Behind the scenes: 2024 goals
Finishing digital version of White Rose History, Volume 2; finding a permanent home for CWRS; acquiring additional archival materials... honoring White Rose friends and family.
Well before 01/01/2024, I had devised a list of goals – not resolutions! – for the new year. At the top of the list: Writing every day on Center for White Rose Studies’ Facebook page and my LinkedIn page, spreading the word about what we do. And Why This Matters.
The Universe had other ideas.
Indeed, the first LinkedIn/Facebook post was written and dutifully posted. And… the very next day I got sick. Back to normal now, so this is the post that was meant for two weeks ago.
Most “behind the scenes” posts are for paid subscribers only. I am making an exception with this one, as I want everyone who is interested in our work to know and understand our goals. If you wish to join us, or should you have skills that would assist our efforts, please contact us!
White Rose History, Volume II
Top priority, above anything else, is finishing the digital version of the second volume of our White Rose History. This was released in print format in 2002/2003, with a 2007 update. We can no longer afford to provide the print version, since print costs have soared in the last twenty years.
Additional archival materials
Now that we know where critical archival materials are located, we’re working on acquiring the documents, preferably in digital format. This goal is ‘planting a tree for the future,’ as young scholars will have to be the ones to add to database, analyze, and apply historical process.
Long-term home for Center for White Rose Studies
While finishing the digital version of WRH2 is top and most immediate priority, the single 2024 goal that means the most to me is finding a permanent partner for Center for White Rose Studies. I won’t live forever, and this work should outlive me.
I’ll dedicate a future post to this topic. In broad strokes, I’d prefer that Center for White Rose Studies remains independent, with a partnership with a related nonprofit or university. We’ve been able to accomplish what we have because I am not interested in winning the Scholl prize or the Bundesverdienstkreuz. I have simply wished to tell the true story of White Rose resistance with zero deference to the powers that be.
And that’s the way I’d like it to continue. No political agenda, no religious agenda, no personal agenda. Just the facts.
Remaining Protokolle
Although the majority of the Protokolle – Gestapo interrogation transcripts, trial transcripts, related documents – have been translated into English, entered in our database, and published, there are a few where only steps one and two are complete. Those need to be published as well: Traute Lafrenz, Christoph Probst, Susanne Hirzel, Hans Hirzel, Franz Josef Müller, Robert and Magdalena Scholl.
Going after plagiarists
I’ve mentioned this issue in a previous post. By the end of 2024, I intend to have filed against all eight plagiarists known to me. It’s getting to the point that the plagiarism is now second- and third-degree, where “scholars” are quoting plagiarists instead of my work.
If you have plagiarized my work, I respectfully request that you voluntarily ‘fess up and remove your work from public access. Otherwise, you will hear from my attorney. It does not matter to me if you used my work in a PhD dissertation or in a fancy book published by Random House.
These are the five top goals for 2024. As you read these goals, please keep in mind that I am the only one of our family left. It’s a little hard to delegate. Please be patient.
In some ways, having gotten sick at the beginning of this new year was a good thing. It underscored for me that it’s crucial to hand this work off to the next generation.
I’ve tried to be the voice for White Rose families, for the people whose hard work and ethical behavior has been ignored in favor of the legend. It bothers me that even now, the legend continues to reign supreme, that ink continues to be spilled glorifying the Scholls, that almost no one knows who Gerhard Feuerle, Katharina Schüddekopf, or Wilhelm Geyer were.
If you are interested in being this voice, in continuing to honor all the White Rose friends, please let me know.