Why This Matters
White Rose Histories
Chapter 15, part 4: September Morn

Chapter 15, part 4: September Morn

In a world where the next person could be a Gestapo mole, where careless words could land a body in jail, Hubert Furtwängler simply *was*.

September 7 - September 14, 1942.


With his close friends elsewhere, left to his own devices, Hans Scholl first attempts a letter-writing campaign to Lisa Remppis, Rose Nägele, and Josef Söhngen. This does not bring him out of his negative mental state.

He therefore pens a diary entry that is one of the first honest, introspective self-analyses we are permitted to read. Hans Scholl admits he has constructed a wall of “sarcasm and satire” around himself. This “sarcasm and satire” alienates people like Willi Graf, who value sincere and candid friendship, and drives away once-close friends like Raimund Samüller and Traute Lafrenz.

But Hans Scholl’s introspection stops short, examining only the symptoms, failing to address the reason for his emptiness.

In stark contrast, Willi Graf and Hubert Furtwängler’s friendship buoys both young men. One day, the usually reticent Willi calls Hubert, just to talk. Hubert is the sort of friend who is trustworthy and faithful, a combination that means a great deal to the White Rose circle.

Autumn begins its unmistakable overture - in mid-August! The wind blows colorful leaves into the bunker on the front lines.

Willi is stuck attending a drinking party with officers. The party starts at 11:30 p.m. and ends around three in the morning. He is miserable. The next day, he recovers by reading Dostoevsky’s Guilt and Atonement. He also receives mail from “his girl,” Marianne. That letter makes him happy indeed! But instead of immediately replying, Willi writes a letter to his mom.

Sophie Scholl writes her father a letter, telling him she believes that his time in jail is the best possible thing for him. She tells him too that although she finds the work in the munitions factory dull and soulless, she is aware that she is gaining firsthand knowledge of what is really going on around her.

She closes her letter with an allusion to “Die Gedanken sind frei” [Thoughts are free], advising her father that her friends on the front lines are hard at work, building a “wall of thoughts” surrounding him.

Why this matters:

  • Allies are important to the work we undertake on behalf of justice. Hubert Furtwängler never directly participated in White Rose “work” - that is, he never once addressed an envelope, dropped “secret mail” in a mailbox, or picked up a paintbrush to dash “Down with Hitler” on a wall.
    But Hubert’s contribution to their work was substantial. In an era where no one could be trusted, Hubert was trustworthy. He frequently acted as sounding board for their ideas. He was behind the more meaningful concerts they attended. His upbeat personality sometimes kept them going. But most of all, they knew beyond all doubt he would never betray them.
    Too often, I see activists in specific movements reject “allies” who are not [gay-Black-female-Jewish-neurodivergent-name your cause]. I’ve even been attacked on LinkedIn or Twitter for expressing support for neurodivergent rights, because I am not neurodivergent. And although not personally attacked for other “causes,” I have seen people on the front lines of various movements absolutely devastate genuine allies who happen not to be name-your-cause.
    This is craziness.
    Even in military terms, an alliance that guarantees “support” of one’s ally does not always guarantee military support in the form of taking up arms. Support can mean weapons supply or embargoes. Yes, some alliance treaties like NATO do require commitment of military troops if an ally is attacked.
    But should Germany be invaded by Russia, and the USA fulfills its duties as a NATO ally, that does not mean that Americans become German. Much less that Americans must be German.
    Please, please use the Hubert Furtwängler example in any “alliance” context. Be that friend who is absolutely trustworthy, who gives unconditional love and support. And if you are in the thick of things, accept the friendship, love, and support of Hubert Furtwänglers around you.

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White Rose History, Volume II, pages 190-192.

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Why This Matters
White Rose Histories
Reading White Rose histories aloud, 10 minutes at a time. Starting in media res, with Volume II.